Master Menopause Coaching; 6 Sessions


Are you ready to feel like YOU again?
Your brain is fog.
Your mood is low.
Your sex drive is fading.
Your anxiety is rising.
Your heart is palpitating.
Your hair is thinning.
Your muscles and joints are sore.
Your sleep is poor.
Your memory is gone.
Your happiness has dissipated.
…and the list goes on and on!
With over 60 symptoms and counting, support is key to mastering menopause!
Let’s figure this out together.

You don’t have to suffer alone or in silence any longer.

It’s normal, it’s natural, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

Also known as “the change”; which in my own experience literally means EVERYTHING.

From our brains, to our bodies and even how we look at life is just completely different.

There was always talk about those hot flashes, but it turns out, there’s so much more that doesn’t get discussed and it’s time to hash it all out.

Every woman is affected differently, and together I can meet you right where you are and help you manage menopause in the most effective ways.

From discovering how to sleep when you’re hot and irritable, better manage the anxiety that creeps in out of nowhere, lose those extra pounds that sort of showed up on your body, improve communication with your partner so there’s clearer understanding of what you’re going through, and ultimately learn how feel like yourself again through lifestyle changes that benefit you.

I’ve created this special 6 session coaching package specifically to help women manage menopause.

We can meet each week or as often as you would like to really work through what is happening in your life and partner together to combat the struggles.

Before purchasing, please ensure you have read and understand Cristina’s Coaching Agreement.

If you have any questions, please email me at [email protected]

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