Menopause; We’re Finally Talking About How to Manage Successfully

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Hallelujah!! We’re finally talking about how to manage MENOPAUSE successfully!

You no longer have to suffer alone, or in silence anymore.

It’s normal, it’s natural, but that doesn’t mean it’s easy.

For some women menopause can be a blip, but for most it is a beast.

Before we get into the nitty gritty, let’s answer the the basic question…

Menopause is signaled after 12 consecutive months without a period. That means even if you have a period in that 12th month, you have to start counting all over again. This is also when the ovaries stop producing hormones.

Although every woman is different, this typically occurs between the ages of 45-55, with perimenopause (the transition to menopause) potentially starting 7-10 years before that. So believe it or not, a woman can actually start to experience symptoms of menopause at the age of 35.

There are individual expressions of how menopause affects every woman, but with the loss of estrogen receptors that normally play a role in every area of the body, everything is affected from mental health, to skin and bones, and even kidney function.

With estrogen on a roller coaster ride and progesterone plummeting, you can feel up one day and down the next. Your less resilient to stress and little things that didn’t bother you before are going to really irritate you now. You’ll find that you are more forgetful and can’t hold onto information like you used to. Some days you might even ask yourself, “What is happening to me???”

Although every woman has their own unique experience, as you can see, it’s not just about the hot flashes everyone talks about, it’s so much more that we haven’t talked about until now.

From increased anxiety to…

  • Changes in mood.
  • Changes in skin and hair.
  • Changes in sleep.
  • Changes in memory and concentration.
  • Changes in body function, including sex.
  • Changes in bone density.
  • Changes in weight.
  • Changes in how we look and feel.
  • Changes in relationships, especially with a partner.

And the list just goes on and on and on…

When those feelings of loss of self come into play, it’s time to seek support.

The takeaway from all of this is when you’re going through menopause, you need more breaks, more nurturing and to feel loved.

The good news is there are now options that can help you feel better, alongside making some adjustments to your lifestyle that can ease the symptoms.

Talking with a health provider and connecting with other women who are experiencing the same changes will assure you that you’re not alone and the community support will help you significantly.

Being in post menopause myself, having experienced it earlier than most of my friends, has given me the drive to start the conversation, to help and support as many women as possible through this website, social media and my coaching practice with private one on one, and/or group coaching sessions.

Having a safe space to talk about the changes going on with your mind and body to come up with the best practices to feel better, is what I specialize in as a Board Certified Health and Wellness Coach.

Discovering ways to sleep better, eat healthier, move more, lose the weight, work through the anxiety and manage stress is in your control, you just have to take that first step.

Learn more about menopause coaching and how to get support below.

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