5 Must-set goals for women in 2019 and beyond

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Time is surely flying by! Faster than ever it seems. So there’s never been a greater time to get real with yourself and consider setting some goals. We’ve pulled together a handful of must-set goal ideas that we think all women should start right now.

Detox from your phone.

Let’s face it, in many cases, cell phones have taken over our lives! It might be hard at first, but with practice, you’ll be pleasantly surprised at how much better you’ll feel when you limit your electronic devices, including your phone. Sitting in silence, even for a few minutes a day, without any background noise from televisions, computers or IPads, creates a feeling of calm and will help you relax and get to sleep faster.

Turn a challenge into a strength.

Only you know where you might struggle and face challenges in particular situations and that’s the first step. For me, it’s difficult to not cry when talking to someone with a temper. So why not work on that challenge and turn into a strength? We are all a work in progress, no one is perfect, so there will always be something that we can improve on and there’s no better time than now.

Get tougher on yourself.

Especially as we grow older, there’s a tendency to minimize and let important things fall to the wayside. Why not set a goal of becoming more disciplined and create some healthy change? For instance, if you notice your drinking a glass of wine everyday, consider setting a goal of not consuming alcohol at least 2 days per week and go from there. I took a break from drinking alcohol and here’s what happened. 

Work on your confidence.

This is probably the most challenging must-do on the list! Everybody has their struggle within themselves, but there’s hope to improve on that, you just have to be willing to acknowledge it and do the work. If there’s something about yourself that you don’t like, change it. The best way to do this is to push yourself to go outside your comfort zone as much as you can. Take that yoga class! Go on that trip! Buy that outfit that makes you look skinny! Just do whatever it takes to feel better about yourself, it’s worth it!

Set an achievable goal to get more fit.

Exercise is not just about looking your best, it’s about being healthy on the inside too. You only gain better health, mentally and physically from working out, and honestly, that can be whatever you want it to be. Achievable goals get achieved, anything more than that does not. Get a few of the 7 best workouts that work and schedule them into your calendar; you’ll love the discipline and how you feel.

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