Showing 17 Result(s)

10 Ways to Build Resilience After Life Challenges

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Spread the loveAre you resilient? Psychologists define resilience as the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy , threats or significant sources of stress. Being resilient …

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6 Ways to release control and improve self-care

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Self care can be anything from drinking more water each day or taking 10 deep breaths. When you do something or anything for yourself to feel better and improve your health mentally or physically; that is self care. Conventional self care is eating more plants, moving in any capacity, sleeping well, being present, staying calm or even just loving the people who surround you as you build your tribe.

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10 Ways to Self Care You Can Start Right Now

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Spread the loveAlthough wonderful, taking care of yourself doesn’t have to be about getting a massage or going on a vacation, it can be very simple, everyday mindsets that enable …

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3 Practices to become more present

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Spread the loveDo you ever feel that time is just flying by and before you know it, the day is over? Have you ever asked yourself, did I experience anything …

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6 undeniable signs you’re an empath

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Spread the love Are you an empath? Let’s start with the definition. Having empathy for others means you have the capacity to understand or feel what another person is feeling …

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6 Positives we can appreciate right NOW

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Spread the love I’m not sure about you, but I’ve been on the hunt for anything positive lately! It’s essential to be educated on what is going on in our …

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