On a daily basis, what we say to ourselves matters. Self talk can have a huge impact on our lives, positively and negatively. Constantly putting ourselves down will lead to believing untruths and negative talk can have a serious effect on professional and personal success. The great news is we all have the power to turn every negative into a positive and even our quiet inner voice if need be, here’s how.
Motivate yourself
The number one negative thought we have each day is about how we look. Whether it’s telling yourself that you look fat, your outfit is ugly or your hair came out bad; those thoughts will undoubtedly affect your confidence while playing tricks on your brain believing everyone you see if thinking the same thing.
Instead, practice telling yourself you rock no matter what you wear. Believe in yourself and watch your life turn a positive corner. When you fight off the negative thoughts, you’ll walk with more confidence and instantly feel better about yourself. Sticking with this continued practice will change your life.
You have the power
Did you know that you’re never to old to rewire your brain? There’s a split second choice to go for the best or worst thoughts each day. You have the power to choose and when you stay consistent with that choice and those thoughts you’ll train yourself to continue to do so. Tell yourself everything is going to be alright and it will be. Start working on changing the way you think about yourself to change the way you feel about yourself.
Practice mind strengthening techniques
Outside of mind over matter, you have the ability to strengthen your brain in incredible ways through practices like yoga and meditation. Although these may still sound like mumbo jumbo to some, they’re not whatsoever. Building confidence by continued practices like these builds confidence in ways beyond your wildest dreams. Taking even ten minutes for yourself each morning to breathe, look out the window, stretch your body, find your calm will strengthen your mind in countless ways enabling you to change your outlook on yourself and your life.